For those working in areas of design, such as architecture and engineering, coming up with different ideas on a regular basis can become quite exhausting. Therefore, feeling stuck with a project that requires a lot of creativity can be difficult, especially when we have been continuously working on other projects. That’s why architects should look for different ways to boost their creativity since this will allow them to get their ideas flowing. Whether it is going for a walk, sharing ideas with a friend, getting some rest, or just playing a brain-aerobics game, here we have four simple ways that will help boost their creativity when they feel stuck with a project.
Go for a Walk or Do Exercise
One of the best ways to get our creative juices flowing is by going outside of the office and get physical. Whether you decide to go for a nice walk, or go to the gym and do some exercise, being physically active is an amazing creativity boost. There are many studies that link exercising regularly to an increased creative potential, which show that the more active we are, the more creative we get. Doing exercise three or four times a week will not only keep us healthy and in good shape, but it will help us become more creative, too.
Get Together and Brainstorm with A Friend
Sometimes, the best way to find the solution to a problem is by getting a different perspective, and this is particularly true for those who feel stuck with a project. That’s why we should always try to get together with a friend or a colleague to brainstorm different ideas. This way, we will be able to get someone else’s input and perspective, which can result in a very creative and enrichening experience. Besides, they might be able to give us that creativity push we were needing.
Go to Bed and Get Some Rest
Even when we might think that ideas come late at night, missing on good-quality sleep can be what is making us feel stuck on a project and lacking creativity. Sleep deprivation can have a really negative effect on our overall health, including our problem-solving skills and divergent thinking strategies. Whenever we feel like we can’t come up with any original ideas, we should go to bed, get a good night’s sleep, and wake up early in the morning. This way, we should feel well-rested and prepare to start getting new and interesting ideas flowing without a problem.
Play the 30 Circles Test Game
A great way to get our ideas flowing is by doing some brain-aerobics games and activities, including the 30 Circles test game. Similar to what most of us remember playing as children, this game consists of drawing a random shape on a piece of paper, and turning it into an object. In order to raise the level of challenge, we should turn that shape into 30 different objects. This will work as a great exercise that will help us look at things from a different perspective, helping us boost our creativity and finally get out of that creative block.