What Does PSEP Stand For?

You may be familiar with the acronym PSEP without really knowing what those four letters stand for. PSEP stands for Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan. This is an implementation plan established in 2014 by Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) to promote the continued safety of gas transmission pipelines. The basic goal of the plan is testing and…

What is Engineering Design?

Engineering design is all around us. It has been used to create everything from the chair you may be sitting on, to the device you are using right now to read these words. And yet, despite its ubiquity and importance, this field remains little understood. So much so, that the most common question related to…

3 Keys to Successful Project Management

Successful project management can be the difference between outstanding results and a project filled with disagreement and delays. From guidelines to a solid kickoff meeting to a simple way to ensure that a project stays on track, here are three keys for successful project management. Getting Off to a Good Start is Essential for Succesful…

What is the Engineering Design Process?

The engineering design process is a crucial concept to understand engineering and the engineering mindset. However, people doing research on the Internet may find it strange that there are different versions of this process. Some champion a brief model with as few as four steps, while others propose a 12-step process. Faced with these diverging…

The Amazing History Behind Roman Bridges

While bridges are structures essential to modern life, their origins date back to antiquity. Egyptians, Minoans, and Assyrians developed techniques to build bridges. However, it was with the Romans that bridge construction reached a degree of excellence that almost defies belief. Bridges and bridge building were part and parcel of life in Ancient Rome. The…

What Is Portland Cement?

People tend to use the terms “cement” and “concrete” interchangeably; however, they are different materials. Cement is actually an ingredient of concrete. Concrete is a mix of aggregates and paste. The aggregates are sand and gravel, while the paste consists of water and Portland cement. But what is Portland cement? Read on to learn more…